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07.00 PM
Theres Roth-Hunkeler
Villa Musegg


07.30 PM
Die Revolution der Vernunft – 300 Jahre Immanuel K…
Barbara Bleisch, Wolfram Eilenberger u. a.
Literaturhaus Zürich


08.00 PM
Die Verselbstständigung des Kapitalismus
Mathias Binswanger
Schreiber Kirchgasse


Kinder-Theatertour: Aschenputtel träumt
Historisches Museum


Mitteilung 2024-04-18 [Literatur Parade Turin]: Deutschsprachige Literatur als Ehrengast der Internationalen Buchmesse in Turin.


Mitteilung 2024-04-15 [Binding Preis Chrysalide 2024]: 2024 schreibt die Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung erstmals den Binding Preis Chrysalide aus.


Mitteilung 2024-04-11 [Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2024]: An den Solothurner Literaturtagen wird auch heuer der Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis verliehen.


Mitteilung 2024-04-08 [Rotpunktverlag – Wemakeit]: Der Rotpunktverlag ist in finanzieller Not und braucht Hilfe.


Mitteilung 2024-04-05 [W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024]: W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024 – bis 30.4.24 einsenden.


Mitteilung 2024-04-02 [X. Schneeberger «suisseminiature»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht X. Schneebergers «suisseminiature» für

Reading tip

Anne Brécart, La Lenteur de l'aube: What kind of world does Hanna inhabit? She returns to the city she grew up in – and it is no easy return. Her mother, who had summoned her back, is still difficult, but Hanna had expected that. What was so urgent that she had to leave the United States and come back right away? Suddenly her terminally ill mother is in no hurry to see her daughter. So Hanna takes a room in a small boarding house where she and her mother had lived thirty years earlier, and begins to explore the neighbourhood. Walking through the 'city by the lake' that clearly refers to Geneva, she meets ghosts from her past. She meets people who were once important to her: friends, lovers, playmates from the old days. People for whom she once risked everything. They have remained here, while she has long been living in New Jersey.

Reading tip

Dana Grigorcea, Das primäre Gefühl der Schuldlosigkeit: Back in Bucharest, her home city, Victoria witnesses a bank robbery and is given leave by her employer to mentally come to terms with the event. But what is initially hailed as a welcome opportunity put away the past and finally sort out the «paper work» – regarding the houses, woods and vineyards returned to the family along with four graves in Bellu cemetery – will come to shake the foundations of Victoria's existence. Searching for times past, she gradually realises that memory, imagination and reality do not always match up and that perhaps the «original feeling of innocence» of her childhood was only imagined. Hasn't the brutality of the Romanian Ceausescu regime always been lurking behind the tinted film of the images in her memory? The psychologically sensitive novel ultimately careers towards a tragic realisation. It is only now that it dawns on Victoria how her childish delight in making up stories must have led her to betray her own mother. From the narrative's juxtaposition of different places and timeframes emerges, in the words of the German writer W.G. Sebald, an 'unheimliche Heimat' (uncanny home). Even story-telling only provides a limited remedy. Tearing open old wounds wherever it ventures, the narrative itself is heavy with guilt. The often absurd, surreal quirks of everyday life create the moving tragicomic ambivalence that characterises this complex novel. (Marc Caduff, trans. by Andrea Willfratt)

Reading tip

Jörg Müller, Alle Jahre wieder saust der Presslufthammer nieder: «When I worked on these pictures over 35 years ago, it was not my intention to indoctrinate children. Much rather, I wanted to make visible for their parents – without judgment – what our generation experienced first-handed in the uninterrupted period of belief in progress,» says Jörg Müller about the new edition of his prints, which brought him international recognition in the Seventies and for which he was awarded the German Youth Literature Prize in 1974.

New releases

Rebekka Salm: Wie der Hase läuft. Knapp.

New releases

Niels Blaesi : 1,2,3 Schweiz – Zähl dich durch die Schweiz. Bergli Books ein Imprint von Helvetiq.


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