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Écoles - Atelier contes
Atelier pour les écoles
Château de Prangins


Berner Lesefest Aprillen – Mittagslesung und Bucht…
Fritz Mühlemann und Ruth Gantert
Universitätsbibliothek Bern, Bibliothek Münstergasse, Veranstaltungssaal, 1. UG


Berner Lesefest Aprillen – Lyrikdialoge
Carolin Callies, Birgit Kempker, Marko Miladinović…
Schlachthaus Theater


Geschichten vom Verschwinden
Maria Marggraf


Mitteilung 2024-04-22 [Die Frauen der Gruppe 47 – Literaturhaus Basel]: Im Literaturhaus dreht sich am 24.4.24 alles um die Frauen der Gruppe 47. Und darum, warum sie heute so gut wie vergessen sind.


Mitteilung 2024-04-18 [Literatur Parade Turin]: Deutschsprachige Literatur als Ehrengast der Internationalen Buchmesse in Turin.


Mitteilung 2024-04-15 [Binding Preis Chrysalide 2024]: 2024 schreibt die Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung erstmals den Binding Preis Chrysalide aus.


Mitteilung 2024-04-11 [Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2024]: An den Solothurner Literaturtagen wird auch heuer der Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis verliehen.


Mitteilung 2024-04-08 [Rotpunktverlag – Wemakeit]: Der Rotpunktverlag ist in finanzieller Not und braucht Hilfe.


Mitteilung 2024-04-05 [W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024]: W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024 – bis 30.4.24 einsenden.

Reading tip

Fabiano Alborghetti, Registro dei fragili. 43 canti: A news story is the starting point for this extraordinary collection of poems. A mother kills her own child. The photo in the paper shows a blonde woman with a provocative appearance in the grip of an obsession with youth and success. The poet becomes a chronicler in search of reality with all of its various levels and hidden compartments. In the previous book («L'opposta Riva», 2006) the author visited the underground world of immigrants. In «Registro dei fragili», he pursues the realities of supermarkets, gyms and the colourful illusions of a society corrupted by television. To give poetic expression to this disconcerting realm of the vulgar, Fabiano Alborghetti (*1970) adopts a subtly sophisticated metre. Stanzas of octosyllable verse snake the page circling rhythmic themes that hint at nursery rhymes, reaching lofty stylistic heights or fading out in terrestrial realms. Alborghetti punctuates his verse with internal rhymes and clinking alliterations, and infuses it with worn-out statements from the world of fashion and celebrity: «That was his job and his calling / to be a body, for exhibition, TV material.» (Pierre Lepori, trans. by Andrea Willfratt)

Reading tip

Lukas Bärfuss, Koala: The Dramatist and novelist Lukas Bärfuss comes from Thun. At the beginning of the 19th century, the distinguished poet Heinrich von Kleist – who later committed suicide – spent a month there – and Bärfuss is to deliver a lecture about him, in his home town. The occasion gives him the chance – for the first time in many years – to meet his brother: he has spent his whole life in Thun and has hardly ever left this small community. Bärfuss has no idea that this will be the last time the two will meet. Shortly afterwards, his brother also takes his own life.

Reading tip

Bruno Steiger, Zwischen Unorten: 59 texts from 15 years – reviews, portraits and reports – offer us an insight into the literary and art critic body of work of an author who regularly appears in public as an essayist and critic. The texts turn around 56 authors of contemporary art and literature, all nicely listed in the index at the end of the volume as well as in the table of contents. This makes for a little encyclopaedia of radical modernism and post-modernism in which subjective as well as very well researched and precisely documented articles balance each other. The entries range from Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) all the way to Christian Zehnder (born 1983). Adorno’s dictum about the «Verfransung der Demarkationen» (the disintegration of disciplinary demarcations) in art is quoted twice and shows us what Steiger means by the iridescent notion of non-places: the trans-disciplinary essential interest in literature and art that begins beneath the entanglement of the designers of terms and which explores the art of living as art of reading. (Daniel Rothenbühler, trans. by Anja Hälg)

New releases

Alexandra Holenstein: Mord am Lago Maggiore. Emons Verlag GmbH.

New releases

Marcel Huwyler: Der rote Spatz. Atlantis Verlag.


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