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07.30 PM
Lesung -
Christine Brand
Buchhaus Stocker


07.30 PM
Lesung -
ABGESAGT! Philipp Gurt
Bücher Lüthy
St. Gallen


08.15 PM
Bibliothek in der Rathus-Schüür
Saskia Gauthier


Geschichtenfenster - lauschen und entdecken
Landesmuseum Zürich


Mitteilung 2024-04-30 [Anna Stern «blau der wind, schwarz die nacht»]: Tobias Lambrecht bespricht Anna Sterns neuen Roman «blau der wind, schwarz die nacht» auf


Mitteilung 2024-04-22 [Die Frauen der Gruppe 47 – Literaturhaus Basel]: Im Literaturhaus dreht sich am 24.4.24 alles um die Frauen der Gruppe 47. Und darum, warum sie heute so gut wie vergessen sind.


Mitteilung 2024-04-18 [Literatur Parade Turin]: Deutschsprachige Literatur als Ehrengast der Internationalen Buchmesse in Turin.


Mitteilung 2024-04-15 [Binding Preis Chrysalide 2024]: 2024 schreibt die Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung erstmals den Binding Preis Chrysalide aus.


Mitteilung 2024-04-11 [Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2024]: An den Solothurner Literaturtagen wird auch heuer der Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis verliehen.


Mitteilung 2024-04-08 [Rotpunktverlag – Wemakeit]: Der Rotpunktverlag ist in finanzieller Not und braucht Hilfe.

Reading tip

Beat Sterchi, The Cow: "Some have milking machines, and some have foreigners in the cowshed!" as the locals say in Innerwald. Farmer Knuchel has opted for the foreigner and hired Ambrosio from Spain as a farm hand. In the cowshed Ambrosio meets Blösch, the herd’s splendid golden matriarch. Sterchi's superb first novel, which made him a best-selling author in 1983, asks what life in the Swiss backwater has in store for the guest-worker and for the cow. “The foreigner in the cowshed” is both the basic dilemma upon which the novel is based and its driving force. Brought to Switzerland to muck out the cowsheds, Ambrosio himself ends up fouling the nest of the seemingly idyllic Swiss farming community. Through his sheer foreignness, the Spaniard shows Switzerland up as a country of cows: provincial, narrow-minded and prejudiced. In a series of dramatic scenes, Sterchi describes Abrosio's work at Knuchelbauer's farm and in the slaughter house, and confronts the population with their stereotypes. The action takes place in the course of a single day; all other episodes in the novel are memories. The narrator tells of the culmination of an exploitative production process: the day on which Ambrosio meets Blösch, now an emaciated wreck of an animal, in the slaughterhouse. The issue of the guest-workers invited to Switzerland as cheap labour in the 1960s is still a thorny one today. But it is above all Sterchi's use of language that makes the novel a brilliant read. The High German text bursts apart in a firework of Swiss-German dialect, stylised shards of Spanish and fragments of Italian Guest-worker language. (Christa Baumberger, transl. by Anja Hälg)

Reading tip

Nicolas Bouvier, The scorpion-fish: In Nicolas Bouvier’s oeuvre the scorpion fish takes on a central role. Bouvier remembers his 1956 sojourn in Sri Lanka during which he succumbed to illness, depression, bad dreams and the pain of love. We encounter the author in the town of Galle in a cheap room, increasingly trapped in himself. He is ill and oscillates between fascination for and desperation about his host country. Memories of the mild India he came from before makes this hotbed of lethargy all the more unbearable. His observations are blurred and sharp at the same time. Pressed by the activity of the omnipresent insects who seem to take up all his attention his report is pulled into the maelstrom of images and associations. Moreover, his language is fraying and thereby reflecting the madness. It is in this aspect that we find the fascination for this capturing report of an «anti-journey». Bouvier wrote the book in 1981 in retrospect, based on memories, notes and a nocturnal dictation, the «zone de silence». He himself called the text «surécrit», over charged and over orchestrated. But it is in that exact way that he renders the feverish agitation and the existential abysses linguistically palpable. (Beat Mazenauer, transl. by Anja Hälg)

Reading tip

Rolf Lappert, Über den Winter: Lennard Salm, the protagonist of the new Rolf Lappert novel is a conceptual artist and committed social critic. He is searching the shoreline for washed-up objects when he makes a gruesome discovery. Tied to a boat is a dead child, the daughter of refugees who did not survive the crossing. This throws Salm into an existential crisis. Just then he hears his older sister has died and returns to wintry Hamburg, where he sees his family at the funeral. His father has become frail and blind, his younger sister Bille loses her job as an assistant producer and his younger brother Paul is ambitious but pallid and lacking in character. His emotionally-cold mother, who Salm privately calls the 'Norwegian queen', is deliberately avoiding him. Rolf Lappert's «Künstlerroman» paints a portrait of a crisis of identity and meaning, revealing Salm's domestic background and biography, which is shaped by unspoken recriminations and mutual accusations. The novel takes place in a wintry Germany that makes the coldness that characterizes this mother-son relationship almost physically palpable. In «Über den Winter», Rolf Lappert surprises readers with strong imagery and an eloquence that gets under the skin. A well-made novel (Rudolf Probst, trans. by Andrea Willfratt)

New releases

Bruno Hächler: Lotta das Feuerwehrauto kommt zu Hilfe. Baeschlin.

New releases

Theres Flury: Lines Nachtfahrt. Baeschlin.


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