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10.00 AM
Kinder-Theatertour: Aschenputtel träumt
Historisches Museum


02.00 PM
Geschichtenfenster – lauschen und entdecken
Landesmuseum Zürich
Landesmuseum Zürich


02.00 PM
Randonnée littéraire avec Clara Arnaud
Le Vent se lève ... Librairie-café


03.00 PM
Geschichtenfenster – lauschen und entdecken
Landesmuseum Zürich
Landesmuseum Zürich


Mitteilung 2024-04-18 [Literatur Parade Turin]: Deutschsprachige Literatur als Ehrengast der Internationalen Buchmesse in Turin.


Mitteilung 2024-04-15 [Binding Preis Chrysalide 2024]: 2024 schreibt die Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung erstmals den Binding Preis Chrysalide aus.


Mitteilung 2024-04-11 [Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis 2024]: An den Solothurner Literaturtagen wird auch heuer der Schweizer Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis verliehen.


Mitteilung 2024-04-08 [Rotpunktverlag – Wemakeit]: Der Rotpunktverlag ist in finanzieller Not und braucht Hilfe.


Mitteilung 2024-04-05 [W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024]: W.-G.-Sebald-Literaturpreis 2024 – bis 30.4.24 einsenden.


Mitteilung 2024-04-02 [X. Schneeberger «suisseminiature»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht X. Schneebergers «suisseminiature» für

Reading tip

José-Flore Tappy, Pierre à feu: The violence and clarity struck by «Pierre à feu» on the first reading lent the name to this collection published in 1995. The short and sober poems are divided into two chapters, «Le Chemin» and «Herbe et fumée,» which contrast and complete each other. The poems are also often arranged around a metaphor that acts as an opposing force to the density of the verse, blowing the poems apart. In the poems, Tappy places her own life in the pull of this relation between centrifugal and centripetal movements: « Fidèle et fugitive telle je suis je passe quenouille tournée par les vents dans les fils innombrables du temps » (Loyal and fugitive as I am I move, a spindle turned by the wind in the innumerable threads of time) In an elementary, inhuman world, respite from the violence of which is only to be found in words, someone is walking, fighting and loving, and trying to create enough light not to get lost forever, to resist the impetuous torrent of it all. Although Tappy’s poetry is unsettling, itinerant and full of pain, she infuses her words with a salutary energy, a desire for love and beauty that does not seek to dodge the struggle and peculiarity of the human condition. Reading «Pierre à feu» has an invigorating effect on the consciousness and sharpens the senses. (Françoise Delorme, transl. by Andrea Mason Willfratt)

Reading tip

Andreas Neeser, Unsicherer Grund: A narrator remembers a football game when he was at school, while he was silently watching a beautiful woman in the swimming pool. Or he goes to the theatre in the evening and his heart almost comes to a standstill. Andreas Neeser’s stories contain moving events, yet without any obvious external impact. States of consciousness are described with fine analysis and they hold up a mirror in which the world collapses into meaningful particles. The narrative identity attempts to secure a firm position on uncertain ground. Andreas Neeser’s eight new narratives reveal the true lyricist. The author visibly attempts to position every word in the right place and not to employ a single word too often. His prose gains a concentrated density which produces coherence but lacking overhasty conclusiveness. This precision is in tantalizing contradiction to the uncertain ground on which the narrative identity stands with respect to characters within the narrative. The “changing uneventfulness of my provisional existence”, which must be absorbed with all the senses, only wins stability and permanence through flashes of memories. Neeser’s prose is bound-up instability. Even if or precisely because nothing happens, this works surprisingly well, because true stories are concealed behind poetic masquerades – in spite of everything. (Beat Mazenauer)

Reading tip

Gertrud Leutenegger, Panischer Frühling: Ejafjallajökull: the name of the Icelandic volcano that erupted in 2010, had the whole of Europe literally holding its breath and presented airlines with a formidable problem. Even London was unusually quiet: no planes in the sky, just birds and clouds. In the Spring of this memorable year, a woman in the prime of her life is on her way to London: she is the ‹ I ›, the first person narrator, of Gertrud Leutenegger’s novel.

New releases

Rebekka Salm: Wie der Hase läuft. Knapp.

New releases

Niels Blaesi : 1,2,3 Schweiz – Zähl dich durch die Schweiz. Bergli Books ein Imprint von Helvetiq.


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